• aki posted an update 02/02/2025 21:39

    What means free and non free debian. Is free debian is fully open source and no free means not fully open source some packages and drivers will closed source ? I am very confused free and non free means.

    • The “non-free” repository for Debian includes software that doesn’t meet the definition of “free” according to the Debian Free Software Guidelines, but are still legal to be distributed by Debian.

    • If you are thinking of installing Debian or trying a live ISO boot (with option to install), practically speaking you may need to use the non-free ISO if you have any hardware that uses proprietary drivers for which a free driver version is not available in Debian. Since Debian’s website is rather confusing in the way you navigate to the ISO files, here is a direct link to the non-free ISO files if you need it.


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